Sprouts Children's Ministry

The Children's Ministry here at Bowe Gardens Baptist Church provides loving care to the children while the parents worship in church and not be distracted. The children are taught the love of Jesus, listen to Bible stories, learn to play with others, sing and do activities.

Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from God and reward from Heaven.

The Children’s Ministry is available Sundays during the 10:30am worship service. All our volunteers have been background checked and vetted. For questions contact our Children’s Ministry leader, Ashley Dubolsky at bowegardenskids@gmail.com.

Our Children’s Ministry is divided into two classes:

Nursery: newborn to age 1
Children: ages 2-6

Children ages 7 and older will worship with their parents in the sanctuary during the 10:30am service on Sundays. There are kids welcome clipboards available in the lobby for kids to enjoy during service.

We hope to have the opportunity to bless your children with the love of Jesus!