Connect • Her Women's Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of Bowe Gardens Baptist Church exists to encourage, strengthen and equip the women of BGBC to reach their communities for Jesus Christ.

This is done in the following ways:
• Encouragement through fellowship: Quarterly fellowship events will foster relationships with the goal of encouraging one another as sisters in Christ.
• Strength through studying God’s Word: Precept Bible studies held throughout the year will keep women engaged in the Word of God. Its goal is to help them apply God’s word
through all seasons and stages of life. 
•Equip women to serve the community: Many opportunities exist to use our God given gifts to serve others in the community. The Women’s Ministry will encourage the use of these
gifts and provide connection and opportunity to serve as God leads. Serving opportunities include: Canaveral Port Ministry, Helen’s House, New Life Mission, Operation Christmas Child, etc.

Contact Women’s Ministry leader Ashley Dubolsky for questions at: